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Top rated chiropractor, Dr. Leland Globke, states: "Spinal decompression therapy is very unique because we can isolate the particular disc that is causing pain, whether it is bulging or herniated, based on the MRI. It is a non-invasive, scientifically proven technique and therapy that will stop the pain. If a person seeks out surgery, they are looking at an invasive procedure that will cause scar tissue and limit their rehab.
Almost 90% of surgeries performed cannot guarantee that you will be pain-free after the surgery. If you are someone with a disc herniation, you may have been told you need surgery, typically with sedative medicines involved because of muscle spasms; and you may have also been told you need injections; which usually just curb the problem and band-aid it. Whereas, spinal decompression will eliminate the disc herniation altogether!
On the scientific side of spinal decompression – it brings in negative nerve pressure, allows the vacuum seal to come in to where it sucks all the material back into the center of the disc, along with the nutrition, it pulls the pressure away from the nerve, away from the spinal cord and allows the disc to finally heal. Then on chiropractic side - we structurally heal up the body, through adjustments, so that the disc problem goes away without surgery.
Come visit us at our chiropractic clinic in Dickinson, Tx today!
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