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Weight loss is a 2-fold issue. We have to look at and identify the factors that are contributing to why you are overweight. Number one, are you in pain? Is it hormone related? Is it dietary? Is it chemical related or are you on any kind of medicines that may be causing it? So, what we do is we look at the whole person in identifying how to reach your weight loss goals. When you have excessive weight, it causes compression on your spine and can cause joint degeneration and that’s what we don’t want. So our chiropractor will work with you to bring clarity.
We identify what the number one reason is that is causing you to be overweight. Genetics is only 20%. So that means 80% of the reason why you are overweight is because of something you are doing or not doing. That is what we have to identify. Once we do that, we can put you on a proper weight loss system to help you lose the weight so that it stays off and is not just some fad diet that made you lose weight quickly.
For those that may have a condition that has caused them to gain weight or cases where it is medicine related, we can talk about lifestyle changes to help you taper those things, get off of them, get regulated and lose the weight. Once the body is taught how to regulate itself properly, then certain individuals may be able to taper off medicines. As a chiropractic office, we cannot tell individuals to stop their medicines. However, we can make these types of wise recommendations to those dealing with weight problems and they can bring the recommendations to their Physicians and work out a regimen that is suitable.
According to each individual need, we may use certain supplementations, exercise programs, dietary changes, pain modification, etc. It’s not just cookie cutter where we tell everyone that we will put them on a diet and decrease their calorie intake - because that may not work for everyone. It’s about identifying exactly what is causing each person to be at the weight they are unhappy with and us giving strategically targeted recommendations to lose the weight in a safe and balanced manner. Call our clinic in Dickinson or go online and book your appointment today!
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